I haven't done a straight up "here's what I randomly wore one day and took a few pictures to shove on here" kinda post in a really, really long time. And d'you know what, I've really bloody missed them. September has been one of the most amazing months for me blog/business wise, it's been jam packed with collaborations with some of my favourite brands, I spoke at 3 conferences about Instagram influencers, I held the most amazing evening with my fave gal pal Hannah Gale and we had the best time with some of the loveliest girls I've ever met... it's just been really really great.

But here's the thing, when your blog becomes your business, an amazing "blog month" makes for a f**king stressful "personal month". Don't get me wrong, I adore my job, like.. Harvey Specter and McDreamy have nothing on this little corner of the web and I genuinely cry soppy happy tears that this is my life far too embarrassingly often to admit, but I honestly feel that non-bloggers just really don't understand how stressful blogging is when it not only becomes your career, but when it starts to get very, very busy and you're working on numerous collabs a week.

FML, this has become a bit of a boring rant when really all it was meant to be about was outfits and cake.

But I just missed that kinda post when I could sit down and word vomit my feelings, where I don't have to think about getting the brand message across, making sure to include tracking links and yada yada ya... I can shove some cake down my gob, wash it down with a cuppa bigger than Kanye's ego and just chat.

To you lot, that make this crazy, stressful but frickin amazing life possible.

So yeah, today's outfit was one that I wore on a day out with my Mum. I had been having the most stressful week, there had been numerous break downs and Kim Kardashian ugly cry faces and I just needed Mum time. Because for me, she is the one that makes everything OK. She's the one that puts everything into perspective, and dear lord and I am so f**king thankful to have her in my life.

OK, I have used up my sop/moan/get a life quota for the next 3 years, let's talk duster coats and cake...

Duster jacket - Primark / Chambray shirt - ASOS / Jeans - ASOS / Boots - River Island (old but similar here) / Watch and bracelet - ThePeachbox

So I did that thing where I tripped and fell into Primark and bought 39483958 unnecessary things and forgot the sole thing that I went in there for. But it did mean that this little gem of a duster jacket came into my life and for that, I am eternally grateful because man it's just so damn soft and comfortable but chic and smart and perfect for layering at the same time. I am not a pink person but dusky pink has swooped in and surprisingly wooed me (a little bit Neville Longbottom all of a sudden becoming a bit of a babe all those years later). The chambray shirt came out to play for the first time in forever and has practically been surgically attached to my body ever since, as have the boots which are still too damn pretty for words a year after buying them and the jeans... er, they're kinda just plain jeans which I think may be maternity ones but lol, at least they house my cake/curry/pizza baby like a dream.
farm girl cafe rose petal latte
farm girl cafe carrot cake
farm girl cafe rose petal latte
Once I'd pranced around like a tit in front of the camera for long enough I decided that cake came before getting a shot that I didn't look vacant/a little bit shit in and yes, like, so much yes, it was the best decision ever. I've been to Farm Girl a few times now and the novelty never really wears off. It's just the most instagrammable cafe around, from the pink tables - which there's actually only one of and I never blimmin get it - to the Rose petal latte's (which is what I have every time even though I can never quite get used to the rose taste [insert eyeroll emoji here]). Everything just looks really damn dreamy, and set on Portobello road, i.e one of my favourite areas in London, it's just gonna be the place that I constantly return to when I've run out of ideas for instagram.
And I suppose that kinda brings this really random post to an end. I hope you liked the outfit, I hope you liked the cake, and I hope you also didn't think I was an entitled twat having a little groan about the stresses of blogging and the constant notion that we sit on our butts doing nada all day. Sometimes you just gotta get it off your chest, you know?

Anyway, I'd love to know if you've picked any crackers from Primark recently? Or if you've been to Farm girl and fangirled as hard as I did? ;)

As always, thanks so much for reading!


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